7th Kyu

Demonstrate the following:
Protocol for School
  1. Bow upon entering Dojo
  2. Bow upon entering the training floor
  3. Bow to any and all Black Belts
  4. Bow to the Shomen
  5. Bow to Otage Ni (School Spirit)
Ten No Kata Omote/In Place
Block’s (Uke)
  1. High Block (Jodan Uke)
  2. Middle Block (Chudan Uke)
  3. Low Block (Gedan Barai)
  4. Inside Block (Soto Uke)
  5. Double Block (Morote Uke)
Strike’s (Tsuki)
  1. High Punch (Age Zuki)
  2. Middle Punch (Chudan Tsuki)
  3. Low Punch (Gedan Tsuki)
  4. Ridge Hand Strike (Heito Uchi)
  5. U-Punch (Yama Zuki)
Kicks (Geri)
  1. Knee Kick (Hiza Geri) and Groin Kick (Kin Geri)
  2. Groin Kick (Kin Geri) and Roundhouse Kick (Mawashi Geri)
  3. Side Kick (Han Yoko Geri) and Back Kick (Ushiro Geri)
  4. Front Kick (Mae Geri) and Front Side Kick (Mae Yoko Geri)
  5. Crescent Kick (Mikazuki Geri) and Reverse Crescent Kick (Gyaku Mikazuki Geri)
Ten No Kata Omote/Drill, Three Steps Turn and Return
  1. Left Front Stance/Left High Block/Right High Punch/Knee Kick and Groin Kick.
  2. Left Front Stance/Left Middle Block/Right Middle Punch/Groin Kick and Roundhouse Kick.
  3. Left Front Stance/Left Low Block/Right Low Punch/Right Downward Side Kick 45 Degree Angle and Back Kick.
  4. Left Front Stance/Left Inside Block/Right Ridge Hand Strike/Right Front Kick and Right Side Kick.
  5. Left Front Stance/Left Double Block(Middle and Low)/Right U-Punch(R-High and L- Low/Right Crescent Kick and Reverse Crescent Kick.
Stances (Dachi)
  1. Front Stance
  2. Ready Stance
Kata (Formal Exercise)
  1. Taikyoku Shodan (First Cause)
  2. Taikyoku Yondan
  3. Chino (Ability)
